How We Work

How We Work

You’re probably wondering how Calling All Customers works for you.

   When you’re ready to get started, we’ll schedule a set up time with you so that we can learn:

  1. What you want
  2. Why you want it
  3. Who you want called
  4. What you’d like us to say.  (Don’t worry. We’ll prepare a customized script for your approval before we make any calls)
  5. How you’d like us to reach people (by phone, text, or email)
  6. How you’d like to receive the feedback and results.

Our setup fee includes two hours of calling time. 

We can either work on retainer for ongoing needs, or by project if you prefer.

So, give us a call when you’re ready to make more money.

About Us

We will contact your customers and prospects by phone, text, or email to deliver professional and time sensitive information,
with a personal touch!

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